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What is Javascript

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1 - What is Javascript

What is Javascript? It is a scripting programming language widely used in web browsers. Since Javascript is open source, it provides ease of communication

Introduction to JavaScript

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2 - Introduction to JavaScript

JavaScript is a dynamic programming language widely used in web browsers. Thanks to client-side scripts written in JavaScript, functions such as allowing the

JavaScript Variables

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3 - JavaScript Variables

Variable Definition Let's start by defining the variable. Variables are the names given to areas where the data necessary for the program to run is defined

JavaScript Type Conversion

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4 - JavaScript Type Conversion

With JavaScript, a variable is defined regardless of its type. However, when assigning a value, the type of the variable is determined dynamically according to

JavaScript Comparison Operators

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5 - JavaScript Comparison Operators

Equality Operator(==) The JavaScript language has the ability to perform type conversion at run time. With the equality operator, if the value on both sides

Using JavaScript if else

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6 - Using JavaScript if else

It is one of the most used decision expressions in JavaScript, as in all programming languages. If the condition between the if brackets is true, the statement

Using JavaScript Switch Case

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7 - Using JavaScript Switch Case

The switch statement is used to execute different actions depending on different conditions. The switch evaluates the expression it receives and matches it

Using JavaScript for Loop

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8 - Using JavaScript for Loop

As in all C-based programming languages, you can handle your continuous commands under a for loop. This structure is used in the same way in

Using While Loop in JavaScript

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9 - Using While Loop in JavaScript

In the JavaScript while loop, the codes between blocks are executed as long as the condition is true. Spelling Rule: while (condition) { Codes to be

Javascript Array Creation

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10 - Javascript Array Creation

Let's start by answering the question "what is a TV series?" An array is a special variable in which similar expressions are brought together. While one

JavaScript Array Functions

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11 - JavaScript Array Functions

I mentioned creating arrays and some methods used in arrays in the article titled Creating Arrays. In this article, how the methods that operate on arrays are

JavaScript Function Definition

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12 - JavaScript Function Definition

Usually a function is defined when a code will be used recursively. Functions used in other programming languages ​​are also referred to as "subroutines".

JavaScript Events

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14 - JavaScript Events

Events are changes that occur as a result of the interaction of HTML objects with the user (mouse, keyboard or touch) or Web APIs (video ending, pausing,

JavaScript HTML DOM Objects

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15 - JavaScript HTML DOM Objects

With HTML DOM, you can access and change all elements of an HTML document using JavaScript. DOM; It serves as an interface for structured languages ​​such

JavaScript Form Examples

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16 - JavaScript Form Examples

Transferring the text entered in the text box to Div, adding the text entered in the text box as an option to the select object, canceling the form submission

JavaScript Error Trapping

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17 - JavaScript Error Trapping

Before explaining the subject of catching errors with JavaScript, it is necessary to understand how errors occur. If you are doing object oriented programming.

Creating a Javascript Object

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18 - Creating a Javascript Object

In the JavaScript programming language, there are 5 data types and 3 Object types that represent references. Data types are Number, String, Boolean, Undefined,

JavaScript Time Commands

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19 - JavaScript Time Commands

With JavaScript, the Date function can create, change and partially format dates. JavaScript is based on the time value in milliseconds since January 1, 1970

JavaScript JSON Usage

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20 - JavaScript JSON Usage

Let's imagine that we have JavaScript data and we need to process this data on another page. Here we need to move data between pages in a certain format. In

Using JavaScript Timer

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21 - Using JavaScript Timer

JavaScript blocks are usually executed simultaneously. But sometimes you may want your code to be executed in an arbitrarily scheduled manner. There are