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What is Domain Whois?
Domain whois are records showing the ownership information of a registered domain name or IP address. You can find out who owns the domain name by checking the domain whois information. Whois information includes various information such as when the registered domain name was registered, when it will expire, the company it is registered with and who the domain name owner is. According to ICANN rules, domain name owners are required to enter their whois information completely and completely.
What is Whois Inquiry?
Whois inquiries are made by querying the domain name whose whois information is desired in the whois service. As a result of this query, the contact information of the domain name held by the domain registry operator is clearly displayed. The query process can be performed not only for .com domains, but for all domain extensions.
What is Whois Hiding (Identity Protection)?
The contact information you provide when registering a domain name with the domain query process is added to the domain whois database during the registration process. This information can be seen by everyone in whois queries. Users who do not want their whois information to be open can hide this information with the Identity Protection service.
What Information is Listed in Whois Query Results?
As ​​a result of a whois query performed for a domain, the name, surname, address, e-mail address, telephone number and the name server (NS) addresses to which the domain is directed are displayed for the relevant domain name owner. These NS addresses indicate where the website is hosted.
How Does Identity Protection (Whois Hiding) Work?
With the identity protection service, your domain name's contact information is displayed hidden in the whois query results. Thus, registration information is hidden from hackers and spam email sources. Messages sent to the coded e-mail address in the hidden information are directed to the e-mail address of the domain name owner after passing through the anti-spam and anti-virus filters.
What is the Difference Between GDPR and Identity Protection (Whois Privacy)?
GDPR aims to ensure the security of personal data within the specified rules. In this context, it has the same purpose as Whois Privacy. With the identity protection service, you can protect your personal/corporate information in the whois information of the domain name by hiding it and keep yourself safe against malicious attacks.
KVKK & Can Whois Hiding Be Done Under GDPR?
Whois hiding can be done under the Personal Data Protection Law. The identity protection process, which protects personal information listed in domain whois query results, is compatible with KVKK & GDPR and prevents the use of information for malicious purposes.

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